The goal of House Bill 1 and the Bandera ISD College Readiness Plan is to ensure that students are able to perform college level course work at institutions of higher education.
College Preparation
Math/Reading Intervention
Counselor Class Visits
PSAT/SAT Vocabulary Building
Reading Vocabulary Enrichment
5th grade field trip
Open enrollment Pre-K
Accelerated Reading
College & Career Exploration Internet Activities
Reduce test anxiety by increasing student confidence
Chess Curriculum
Increase opportunities for creativity
Exposure to higher level questioning
Increase % goal of LEP students for commended-STAAR
Create analytical test-taking mind set
Ensure technology is available for instruction
Build a solid foundation in the fundamentals of mathematics
Build reading comprehension and writing abilities through the use of strategies for contextualizing difficult words
Increase % students in Math/Reading-commended on TAKS
College Preparation
Math/Reading Intervention
Counselor Class Visits College & Career Advisory Lessons Expanding Horizons Career Conferences UTSA Pre-Engineering Prep.
Targeted Advisories Elective Course Supporting Core Academics Revised Lesson Planning Quality Staff Development
Create analytical test-taking mind set
Study Trip-8th grade
Accelerated PSAT classes - summer
Increase course rigor by exposing students to higher level questioning
College & Career Exploration Internet Activities
Increase Pre-AP participation for sub-populations
Increase students’ verbal and math abilities
Career Guest Speakers
Early exposure to SAT Select students tested DUKE Talent Search
Accelerated Reading Program
College & Career Fair
Reduce test anxiety by increasing student confidence
Real world application
Develop individual graduation plans-8th
Increase % of LEP students commended-STAAR
Continue to build on solid foundations of STAAR
Ensure technology is available for instruction
Increase % commended students in Math/Reading on STAAR
Readi Step Testing
Student Council Builders' Club |
Targeted Advisories |
College Preparation
Math/Reading Intervention
Counselor Class Visits
PSAT for all students
College & Career Fairs
AP/PAP Open Enrollment
“Closing the Distance” Math TAKS intervention
Guest Speakers
Free AP Exams-all required to test
CEI Lab [Reading]
4 year plans
Peterson’s Student Edge
Texas Web-Tutor-Math
Making HS Count & Making College Count Assemblies
AP Potential
Staff Development-“Closing the Achievement Gap”
Career inventory
SAT Prep mini-courses-summer school
High Schools that Work
Unlimited College Visits
AP/IB Staff Development
Ruby Payne Training
Dual Credit/AP Courses
PSAT Parent Night
My Satori - All TAKS intervention-pending
IB application
SAT/PSAT Vocabulary Building
ESL Tutorials
DAP Diploma
“Ripple Effects” Curriculum
Saturday School
College Visit during Enrichment
Accuplacer Prep during Jr/Sr level Math classes
TAKS Workshops
Accuplacer Test given at HS
Content Mastery-dual funded to assist all students
Possible SIOP training for staff