Facilities & Maintenance » Facilities & Maintenance

Facilities & Maintenance

The Mission of the Bandera ISD Facilities and Maintenance Department is to provide a clean and well functioning efficient learning environment for BISD students and staff. It is proven that students learn and behave better in an environment that is clean, comfortable and aesthetically pleasing, and the Facilities and Operations Department strives daily to provide the best physical learning environment possible for our students and staff day in and day out.
 d heiner
Dayle Heiner
Director of Operations
(830) 460-3895 ext. 2401

K  Martin

Kyle Martin
Facilities Manager

(830) 460-3895 ext. 2402

N Weber
Nita Weber
Administrative Assistant
(830) 460-3895 ext. 2502
M Alpeter
D Barnet
M Mcginley
Mike Alpeter
David Barnet
Mace McGinley
Ken Burson
Rodney Dreibrodt
Scott Schaffner
Main Facilities Office Number
(830) 460-3895
Facilities Fax Number
(830) 460-3864
Mailing Address
Bandera ISD
P.O. Box 727
Bandera, TX 78003
Shipping Address
Bandera ISD
1576 Highway 173 South
Bandera, TX 78003