Personnel Handbook & Forms
The purpose of this handbook is to provide information that will help with questions and pave the way for a successful year. Not all district policies and procedures are included. Those that are have been summarized.
This handbook is neither a contract nor a substitute for the official district policy manual. Nor is it intended to alter the at-will status of non-contractual employees in any way. Rather, it is a guide to and a brief explanation of district policies and procedures related to employment. These policies and procedures can change at any time; these changes shall supersede any handbook provisions that are not compatible with the change. For more information, employees may refer to the policy codes that are associated with handbook topics, confer with their supervisor, or call the Human Resources office. For a paper copy of the handbook please contact the Human Resources office.
This handbook is neither a contract nor a substitute for the official district policy manual. Nor is it intended to alter the at-will status of non-contractual employees in any way. Rather, it is a guide to and a brief explanation of district policies and procedures related to employment. These policies and procedures can change at any time; these changes shall supersede any handbook provisions that are not compatible with the change. For more information, employees may refer to the policy codes that are associated with handbook topics, confer with their supervisor, or call the Human Resources office. For a paper copy of the handbook please contact the Human Resources office.
Handbook Receipt & Technology Agreement Forms
Other Forms
Employee Transfer Request Form
Authorization to Release Employment Info
Service Record Request
Emergency Contact & FMLA Forms
Emergency Contact Form
Family & Medical Leave Act (FMLA) Forms
Resignation/Retirement Forms
SUMMER RESIGNATIONS: Resignations are due to the district by the 45th day before the first day of the new school year. For the 2024-2025 school year Thursday, June 20, 2024 is the last day to submit your resignation. Please submit resignations to campus principals/Human Resources Services being aware that summer hours for BISD are: Monday through Thursday 7:00 AM - 4:30 PM. For more information: please contact Donald Tosh at 830-460-3890 ext 2004 or Judy Tripp at 830-460-3890 ext 2001.
Resignation/Retirement Form
Separation Checklist
Employee Exit Interview/Survey Form
Employee Handbook